
December 28, 2009

Ok, just kidding, I bought something...

Ok, so I actually made my first purchase in 87 days on boxing day...I tried to resist but I couldn't pass by this adorable little black fur vest, it was such a good deal!  Originally it was $130 and it was marked down to $30...and it's real fur, which I love :)  It was my Christmas present to myself ;)

So now I am going away on vacation for another two weeks and I think that when I get back in January I'm going to have to change the rules a bit and I might do something like set up a monthly budget for clothes (and then blog about what I end up purchasing or not purchasing).  

The last 86 days of no shopping has been so amazing though, because I have hardly missed it, I've worn things in my closet that haven't been worn in a long time, and I've probably saved lots of money...

Well, I'm off on vacation now...so see you in the New Year!


1 comment:

  1. Hey - have you finished the closet experiment? Jan Chappell
