
September 29, 2009

Welcome to The Great Closet Shopping Experiment!

Starting October 1st I will be uploading daily pictures, writing about shopping temptations and sharing new revelations that I get during the month.

Stay tuned!



  1. Love the pic - so beautiful!

  2. Good Luck Jen!
    I'm excited for you and will be watching to get some new ideas for myself.

  3. hey hot lady! I love the idea :-)
    Good luck on Saturday

  4. Before this blog:
    Jenny's a big clientel to Holt Renfrew. Where's she getting clothing money ??

    After this blog:
    Jenny's just so talented. She shop at lower ends: H.M, Le Chateau etc.. and she just use her creative, fashion gift to mix & match.

    Secret: I visited 230 times to study your outfits, so I'm not gonna mention my name.
    I used to come to your bible study on Wednesday ( hint )

    You are truly gifted with FASHION.

    If you decided to be a window dresser (parttime) for Holt Renfrew's, please let me know.

    You are so lovable, kind, gentle, wise woman.
    I love you very much !
